What is Unique About FHA Loans?
FHA loans are available with only a 3.5% down payment that can actually be gifted to you by a family member. FHA also allows for a lower credit score that a conventional loan FHA loans also allow for a lower credit score than the “standard” conventional loans.
With a FHA loan you are able to purchase your primary residence with a lower down payment]
When and why should I choose an FHA loan?
Borrowers choose a FHA loan when they don’t have the minimum down payment for a conventional loan, and or possibly a lower credit score. Another reason is a FHA allows for a higher debt ratio that most conventional loans.
Common Questions about FHA Loans
Does this loan have private mortgage insurance?
Yes it does. FHA loans finance with the loan amount what is called an upfront premium of mortgage insurance and you also pay a monthly amount. The mortgage insurance stays with the loan for the life of the loan.
Can you get a gift for the down payment?
Yes, the required down payment of 3.5% can be gifted to you. The gift would need to be documented.