There are so many factors that can affect your credit score and many different combinations of those factors. This can make it difficult to determine a true reading on your score.
Mortgage lending looks at the scores in pricing your loan rate, to determine what loan program will work best for you.
Range of scores:
- 720 or higher is considered VERY GOOD.
- 680-719 is considered GOOD.
- 640-680 is considered OK.
- Below 640 requires reviewing what is on your report.
If your score is below 640, is it because you haven’t established any credit history? If you are a first time home buyer and haven’t used a credit card, bought a car, or applied for any other type of credit, that could affect your score.
A lower credit score could also mean that balances on your revolving debt (credit cards) are above 50 percent of the borrowing capacity. Make sure that you don’t exceed that 50 percent mark.
Are your payments made on time?
Are there judgments, or medical collections? These can impact your score.